After many weeks of putting it off my greys and roots have finally gotten the better of me and I have had to be brave and apply a colour.
This may not sound like much, but when you have had as many bad experiences as I have with hair colour, dying ones hair is always a traumatic experience!
I have, also, on this occasion broken one of my many hair 'no nos' and actually used a Clairol 'Nice & Easy' colour (even though it was with this brand that I previously experienced my worst hair colour disaster!)
They have completely redeemed themselves in my eyes with their 'Perfect 10' product!!
I have to say that I am extremely pleased with the results. The '6.5 Lightest Cool Brown' colour has toned down the red (much to my amazement with a home colour) as you can see in the before and after pictures below:
it looks lovely!!